Tips to tackle allergies

Whether you have allergies to dust or hay fever caused by pollen, allergy symptoms can be equally miserable all year long. Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and runny nose can make any day challenging. Although we don’t have a cure for your food or environment allergies but yes, we do have some proven tips which will help you to suffer less and minimize your reactions.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

  • Congestion or Sinus pressure
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy , watery eyes
  • Scratchy or sore throat
  • Cough
  • Swollen, bluish- colored skin beneath the eyes
  • Reduced sense of taste or smell


Preventing and Controlling Allergies

  • Avoid Your allergens – This is very important but not always easy. Some allergens are easier to avoid than others. When you can’t avoid an allergen, try to reduce your contact with it.
  • Wash up – Every time you walk into your home, you bring small debris or dust from the outdoors. Your clothes, hair, shoes and skin may be covered with tiny particles from outdoors. Take a shower and change your clothes to wash away any allergens.
  • Wear a mask – When you can’t avoid certain allergy triggers, it is best to wear a mask. Wearing a mask will help keep the allergens from getting into your airways. A N95 mask available in most drug stores helps to keep away 95% of small dust particles.
  • Eat Healthy- There is no doubt that a healthy diet is good for your body. You must add at least one fresh fruit or vegetable to your diet. People who eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables have fewer allergy symptoms.
  • Drink more – If you feel stuffy or have a postnasal drip from your allergies, sip on more water and juice. The extra liquid can thin the mucus in your nasal passage and give you some relief. Having hot soup too can give you some extra relief.
  • Go natural – One of the best ways to avoid indoor allergens is by keeping your home clean. Harsh chemical cleaners can also irritate your nasal passage and can make your allergy symptoms worse. So use natural cleaners with everyday ingredients like vinegar or baking soda. You can also buy a portable high –efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) to avoid allergy.
  • Take Your Medicines as Prescribed – Taking medicines as prescribed can help you manage your symptoms. Take them to avoid allergens and to immune your system.
  • Get Window Savvy – If you are allergic to pollen then keep your window closed and run the air conditioner. But if you are allergic to dust, keep your windows open and let the fresh air in, which will help to clear the allergens from your home.

Take your allergy symptoms seriously

Brushing off the nasal congestion or slow headache can take a big toll on your well being. If you feel lousy, give your body some rest and go to bed early. Running around when you feel awful will only make you feel worse. You may think you know what the problem is. But are you sure? Make an appointment with an allergist for an allergy test to pinpoint your triggers and then plan how to avoid them.